Forskningsrapport LIU-IEI-RR- -18/00285—SE. Transportrelaterat CSR-arbete Transportrelaterat CSR-arbete för ökad lönsamhet och innovation. Författare: Maria Björklund BUSINESS CASE FÖR HÅLLBAR LOGISTIK.


2021-03-01 · The central SOEs have the highest value of the overseas social responsibility index of 42.77 points, whereas that of private enterprises is 20.93 points (Research Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese Overseas Enterprises (2016–2017), the Blue Book of Corporate Social Responsibility).

Gruppen bedriver forskning om AI-system som tar socialt ansvar. CTH, LU, GU, LiU, OrU, KTH, UmU Kunskapsplattform (5 mnkr) Phone Camera Clipart, Benefits Of Corporate Social Responsibility To Society, Kinder Joy  ISS Facility Services är ett av Sveriges och världens största tjänsteföretag med över 6000 medarbetare i Sverige och närmare 400 000  Over the past two decades, there has been growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) among accounting scholars. As a testament to this growing interest, two review papers on CSR were published last year in accounting journals. To obtain a competitive advantage is a priority for firms competing in the complex global environment of today. Currently, it is thought that these advantages are often linked to the adoption of socially responsible behavior. The goal of this paper is to examine whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practices included under the term Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR Downloadable! This paper first sets a definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as an extended model of corporate governance and then accounts for a voluntary approach to CSR, meant as voluntary compliance with CSR strategic management standards, in terms of an economic theory of self-regulation based on the concepts of social contract, reputation and reciprocal conformism.

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Rongbing Liu, University of Massachusetts BostonF Feb 2, 2021 More from: David Robinson, Hua Fang Liu, Jean-Etienne de Bettignies We take up these questions in Corporate Social Responsibility and  Zhang, Y. , Liu, W. , Xie, L. (2020) The Nonlinear Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Stock Returns. Theoretical Economics Letters, 10, 17-39. doi:  The Liu Institute houses an interdisciplinary group of exceptional scholars, conducting global research in cross-cutting fields including law, business, political  Lin, C.-P., & Liu, M.-L. (2017).

Detta samhällsansvar kallas CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). URN: urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-50554ISBN: 978-91-7568-079-8 (tryckt)ISBN: 917-56-8079-3  av D Liu · 2009 — Department of Business Administration / Företagsekonomiska institutionen > Authors: Liu, Deyu Abstract: Bakgrund och Problem: Många stora företag skriver nuförtiden väldigt mycket om Corporate Social Responsibility,  av A Lundström — Nyckelord: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), hållbarhet, socialt ansvar, genus, jämställdhet. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att bidra till en djupare förståelse för  Linköpings universitet.

Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering , 29 1 , British Journal of Social Work. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management , 27 2 

2021-02-02 · Corporate Social Responsibility and Imperfect Regulatory Oversight: Theory and Evidence from Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosures Posted by Jean-Etienne de Bettignies (Queen's University), Hua Fang Liu (Brandon University), and David T. Robinson (Duke University) , on 2014-05-15 · Chiu, K.-H., & Hsu, C.-L. (2010).

Corporate social responsibility liu

Recognizing this as an opportunity to pivot the business, Liu quickly to promote prominently on its social network of nearly one billion active monthly users. In 2017, announced its investment of $397 million in Farf

Corporate social responsibility liu

Reprinted from Bu, Liu, Wagner, and Yu (2013).Corporate social responsibility and the pollution haven hypothesis: evidence … Corporate Social Responsibility and… Corporate Social Responsibility and Imperfect Regulatory Oversight: Theory and Evidence from Greenhouse Gas Emissions Disclosures. Jean-Etienne de Bettignies, Hua Fang Liu & David T. Robinson. Share.

Corporate social responsibility liu

Socially responsible actions, such as the elimination of harmful products could impose substantial revenue losses or extra expenses, but more importantly, they can have a positive and significant impact on corporate financial performance.
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Corporate social responsibility liu

I don’t get a sense of giving back from the phrase ‘corporate-social-responsibility’.” Corporate responsibility may be meaningful in corporate circles, but for a general audience, this term is jargon and not very descriptive, nor does it align to users’ mental models for this 2020-06-08 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Our 2013-18 Corporate Social Responsibility Report reflects our desire to leverage our innovative technology to address the big issues in society. CSR Report Latest News. Richard Liu Chairman and CEO, “ As our company continues its journey Xin Liu, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Hebei University of Technology, No. 5340 Xiping Road, Beichen District, This study builds on insights from both upper echelons theory and agency perspective to examine the effect on corporate social responsibility 2020-07-07 Is corporate social responsibility China’s secret weapon? 17 Mar 2015.

LiU-nytt. Sparad av Viktoria Lundqvist · Corporate Social ResponsibilityNo Response. Mer information Fler som den här.
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On May 22, 2014, JD became the first major Chinese e-commerce company to list on New York’s NASDAQ stock exchange. In 2016 JD also became the highest ranked Chinese internet company on the Fortune Global 500 List.

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Business modelling in farm-based biogas production : towards network-level business Exploring Diffusion and Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility, 

2015-01-23 Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder engagement in Ghana’s mining sector: a case study of Newmont Ahafo mines. Even though the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been applauded for several decades, the concept of stakeholder … This week's manager's minute - corporate social responsibility-- Created using PowToon. See how using ethics in the office can help build your business. Corporate Social Responsibility. The Bank has a long-standing commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The Bank’s contribution to socio-economic development includes several pioneering interventions with a focus on meeting specific goals. Corporate Social Responsibility Programme course 6 credits Corporate Social Responsibility TEIO41 Valid from: 2020 Spring semester Determined by Board of Studies for Industrial Engineering and Logistics Date determined 2019-09-23 DNR LIU-2019-02904 1(11) LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Corporate Social Responsibility Programme course 6 credits Corporate Social Responsibility TEIO41 Valid from: 2019 Spring semester Determined by Board of Studies for Industrial Engineering and Logistics Date determined 2018-08-31 DNR LIU-2018-02499 1(9) LINKÖPING UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Corporate Social Responsibility Programkurs 6 hp Corporate Social Responsibility TEIO41 Gäller från: 2018 VT Fastställd av Programnämnden för Industriell ekonomi och logistik, IL Fastställandedatum BESLUTAD 1(8) LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET TEKNISKA FAKULTETEN Titel: Corporate Social Responsibility – en kvalitativ studie om hur CSR påverkar företags lönsamhet Författare: Sara Paulsson och Marielle Schullström Handledare: Bengt Bengtsson Nyckelord: CSR, lönsamhet, KappAhl Frågeställningar: Vilket är förhållandet, om ett sådant finns, mellan ett företags CSR-arbete och dess lönsamhet?